Support your favorit project by choosing a sponsored color!

We are grateful for and respect the developers who put in hours over hours of their spare time to develop those bits and pieces of code that make our quads defy gravity.
Without those people we simply would not be able to build and fly the way we are today. They are pushing the limits of what the chips we are using on our FCs, ESCs and RXs can achieve with every single release while making it easier to setup, configure and tune their software for a broad range of builds.

Since chinese manufacturers provide us with the electronics at almost ridiculous prices I can understand that they won't step off their margin to pay for the firmware which they flash on every single item they sell (except for BLHeli_32 ESCs). But why should a frame designer who is not providing any FW to his customers do so? Because our frames would fly like s**t without the man-years of engineering work those projects represent.

At this point I would like to encourage every designer and vendor to consider establishing a similar (or totally different) model to support the projects that make our hobby so enjoyable.

Here is the deal:

  • We will raise the prices of the full frame by 1€ for the sponsored colors.
  • We will contribute 5€ to the respective project for every frame sold.
  • Order the color that correspondes to the project you want to support - if you want your TPU parts in a different color let us know in the annotation field at checkout!
  • 1€ of every 3-Pack of the new RubberQuads Lipo-Straps (small and big) will go to the project with the least amount of sponsored frames sold.

brawling bluejay (95A)

The Oxford English Dictionary defines "royal blue" as "a deep vivid blue" and technically they are not wrong.
If you haven't guessed it already we will support Mathias from the Bluejay project and Chris who created the more than excellent online ESC-configurator for chrome based browsers.

glorious grasshopper (95A)

It just won't get any greener than this - You will find that one in any bando you crashed (not so much in a field)!
Since we would hate it if you lost your RubberQuads duck due to a failsafe we will support those beautifull people at the expressLRS project to provide us with the fastest and most reliable control link available.


humble hornet (95A)

A nice tint of orange - needs to be printed a little hotter than most other fillaments to ensure layer adhesion.
Dedicated to the devs of BetaFlight who are providing us with cutting-edge FC-firmware!

saoring stingray (95A)

If you can't decide wether blue or green is your favourite color maybe this brilliant shade of teal is the wright tint for you. Quickflash will sure appriciate your choice since we will give a fair cut to the EmuFlight project (maybe the rebase to BetaFlight 4.3 will happen faster this way)!

purring panther (95A)

Can you ever go wrong with black (unless you are searching for it in the field)?
Since this "color" supports the inav project which is driven by the infamous Pawel Spychalski we might as well call it the polish purring panther!

manical mantis (95A)

A faboulus slightly translucent purple. Since this color might appeal to the Bardwell I will set aside some bucks for every frame sold to join his onlyfans site as soon as he managed to upload pictures of the penguin!


racing wasp (98A)

After many failed prints with the TPU fillament we used for the more rigid "racing" version we selected for the prototype presented by JonE5 on Youtube we found a fillament (extrudr Flex Medium) which prints much better and is so freaking yellow that our camaras white-balance fails on it.
Be aware that the slightly harder TPU-parts will make for a stiffer frame but absorb slightly less vibrations from your props.

baby blue (94A)

This is a softer material to accommodate flying at freezing temperatures while still maintaining the vibration-isolation of "normal" TPU. Be aware that this material will wear out faster when used in a warmer climate!